F. boliviana

  • Tube color : pale pink to bright scarlet, rarely pale white
  • Sepal color : pale pink to bright scarlet, rarely pale white
  • Corolla color : scarlet
  • Flower :
  • Habitus :
  • Parentage : X
Category: SKU: ID16297 Tags:



  • Pedicel : slender, pendant, pubescent, 5-12 (to 16)mm long
  • Ovary : cylindrical, 7-11mm long x 2-3mm wide, strigose-puberulent
  • Tube color : pale pink to bright scarlet, rarely pale white
  • Tube shape : narrowly funnelform, pubescent outside, pilose inside for entire length
  • Tube dimensions : (25 to) 30-60 (to 70)mm long x 1.5-3mm wide and slightly bulbous at the base, gradually widened above until 4-7 (to 10)mm wide at the rim
  • Sepal color upper : pale pink to bright scarlet, rarely pale white
  • Sepal color lower :
  • Sepal shape : lanceolate
  • Sepal tips : acuminate, apiculate in bud, initially spreading at anthesis, but soon becoming totally reflexed
  • Sepal dimensions : 10-20mm long x 4-5mm wide
  • Corolla opening color : scarlet
  • Corolla mature color :
  • Corolla shape : acute at the apex, more or less crispate with two to three longitudinal ridges, oblong to elliptic, upper petals recurved at anthesis, drying and dehiscing before the tube does
  • Corolla silhouette :
  • Petal margins :
  • Corolla dimensions : 8-16 (to 20)mm long x 3-7 (to 9)mm wide
  • Nectary : quadri-lobed, green, 2-3mm high
  • Stamens :
  • Filaments : red, 8-15mm x 5-10mm long
  • Anthers : oblong, 2-3.5mm long x 1-1.5mm wide, white
  • Pistil :
  • Style : slender, pilose from the base to the rim of the tube
  • Stigma : capitate or clavate, subtetragonous, shallowly quadri-lobed at the apex, 2.5-3mm long x 3-5mm wide, cream, situated at the level of the antesepalous anthers or barely exserted beyond them


  • Flower :
  • Flowers : numerous in terminal, drooping racemes or few-branched panicles, the flowers congested near the tips, rachis 5 to 30 cm long in flower, 15 to 40 (to 60) cm long in fruit, bracts lanceolate, reflexed, 5 to 25 mm long, 2-8 mm wide
  • Flower size :
  • Flower display :
  • Flower bud :
  • Fruit : cylindrical, 10-26mm long x 8-14mm wide, dark purple, strigose, comestible
  • Seed : tan, 1.3-2mm long x 0.5-1mm wide
  • Habit : erect or bushy shrub or small tree with arching-pendulous branches, young growth is usually densely canescent with fine grey-white hairs
  • Hardiness:
  • Height : 2-4 m, rarely to 6 m
  • Light/Climate : cool, subtropical climate, hardy to -4°C for short periods, require protction from direct sun and temperatures exceeding 40°C
  • Optimal light conditions : shade or part-shade
  • Remarks : large drooping corymbs up to 20 cm long,, individual flowers 3-7 cm long, flowers late summer and autumn, F. boliviana is widely naturalized in Colombia and Venezuela, as well as elsewhere outside South America in tropical and sub-tropical regions, having escaped from cultivation in Central America to Mexico, Jamaica, Hawaii, Reunion Island and India. This is likely because it stays in flower much of the year, self pollinates, reproduces by shoots, and tolerates much drier and harsher conditions than many other members of the genus
  • Named : named after Bolivia
  • Lookalikes :
  • Year (of first description) : 1876
  • Botanist : Carriere
  • Authors : Carrière 1877
  • Original publication : Rev. Hort. 48: 150 1876
  • Habitat : the probable native range of this species extends from northern Argentina to southern Peru in moist thickets in cloud forest
  • Elevation : 600-3000
  • Native country : Mexico to South America (Peru, Bolivia and northern Argentina)
  • Synonyms : F. boliviana var. boliviana, Carrière 1877, F. boliviana var. luxurians, Johnston 1925
  • Gametic chromosome number n = 11


  • Leaves : opposite, ternate, or sometimes alternate near the uppermost branching nodes, softly membranous, petioles pubescent, 2 to 5 (to 7) cm long, stipules dark, narrowly lanceolate, 0.5 to 1.5 mm long, about 0.3 mm wide, deciduous
  • Foliage color upper side : medium to dark matte green and pubescent to subglabrous
  • Foliage color lower side : pale green and ashy puberulent to densely canescent especially along the nerves
  • Leaf dimensions : 5-20(-23)cm long x 3-12(-15)cm wide
  • Leaf shape : narrowly to broadly elliptic or ovate
  • Leaf margin : glandular-denticulate
  • Leaf tip : acute to acuminate
  • Leaf base : acute to rounded
  • Pubescence : yes
  • Veins : secondary veins (12 to)15 to 25 on either side of the midvein, more or less impressed above, prominent and often reddish below
  • Stems :
  • Branches : terminal shoots are 2 to 4 mm thick, terete to angled, older stems are woody, usually hollow, 1 to 6 cm thick, and exhibit tan-brown splitting bark

Additional information

