The FuchsiaFinder database lists approximately 21.000 fuchsia cultivar names. Many fuchsias are similar but different and there are even some fuchsia ‘look-alikes’. Even experts cannot tell them apart. Identification of unlabeled fuchsias is often hard. It is best practice not to guess the names of fuchsias because we run the risk of being wrong. Still there is no harm in trying but if you do try do it right. Having no name is better than having the wrong name.
Guidelines for identification of a NoID fuchsia
Here are some tips
This is the main step. Everything depends on this! If you do not take this step seriously then don’t bother. Do not waste anyone’s time and enjoy your unnamed fuchsia. The flowers are just as pretty without a name.
• Take a series of pictures of your plant : ideally foliage, buds, fresh flowers and mature flowers should be showing on the pictures. Also a few pictures of the plant as a whole showing the habitus are necessary.
• Write down every aspect of your plant that could be helpful : Is it a double, single or semidouble flower? Is it trailing or upright growing? where did you buy it? How old is it? Is it grown in shade or full sun? is it grown inside or outside? Does it grow easily or is it a rather difficult plant to grow? Is it hardy? Did you keep a list of you plants and thus have a list of possible names?…
Actual search
• Post your pictures and remarks to facebook groups where fuchsia enthusiasts exchange information. Search for Fuchsia in Focus Tips and Hints or ‘Fuchsia Lovers UK’ on Facebook. Beware, your NoID can quickly change into a FalseID. There are a lot of good souls around who want to give well-meant advice. Unfortunately many are not bothered by any knowledge about the thousands of different fuchsia cultivars. Wild guessing seems to be a universal sport. Well-meant good advice rarely concludes in correct identification of fuchsia cultivars. If you do resort to social media, value the advice of nurserymen and experienced growers over newcomers to fuchsia growing.
If your search has yielded some results then you should investigate each of the yielded cultivar names. Searching the different databases and the world wide web for images and descriptions is much more easy once you have a possible cultivar name. Your reverse search can exclude some yields or, if all went well, confirm a given cultivar name.
Bear in mind that for any give colour combination there are many similar cultivars. Meticulous comparison of flower and plant features will avoid false identifications and disappointment. Only label your plant container with that name if you are 100% positive the name is correct.
It is best practice to still treat this cultivar as a NoID. So do not spread cuttings of this plant to other fuchsia enthusiasts. There are already too many FalseID plants out there.