Pedicel : spreading at anthesis and 10-15mm long, divergent and ascending in fruit, when 15-35mm long, light red
Ovary : cylindric, 7-9mm long x circa 2mm wide, lustrous light red, floral tube usually somewhat deflexed so that the distal portion of the flower is pendant
Tube color : nitid, bright orange red
Tube shape : narrowly funnelform, glabrous outside, densely pilose inside in basal part
Tube dimensions : 35-50 (to 60)mm long x 2.5-3.5mm wide and bulbous at the base, constricted-ca. 2mm wide for the basal 5-8mm of the tube, gradually widened above until 6-10mm wide at the rim
Sepal color upper : nitid, bright orange red
Sepal color lower :
Sepal shape : lanceolate, cuspidate and tetragonous in transection in bud, conspicuously wider than the rim of the tube
Sepal tips : mostly long acuminate, divergent at anthesis
Sepal dimensions : 13-20mm long x 4-7mm wide
Corolla opening color : orange red
Corolla mature color :
Corolla shape : delicate, oblong, round to acute at the apex, spreading to divergent at anthesis with the apical portion recurved and the margins undulate
Corolla silhouette :
Petal margins :
Corolla dimensions : 13-19mm long x 5-7mm wide
Nectary : green, shallowly four-lobed, 2-5-3mm high and circa 0.7mm thick
Stamens :
Filaments : orange red, 8-10mm x 6-7mm long
Anthers : oblong, 2.5-3mm long x circa 1.5mm wide, white
Pistil :
Style : pale red, glabrous
Stigma : capitate, 2-3mm long x 2-3mm wide, four-cleft apically, pale red
Flower : single
Flowers : the few to numerous flowers are usually verticillately disposed in terminal arching racemes and have a narrowly funnelform tube 35 to 50 (to 60) mm long, which is bulbous at the base, rachis (8 to) 10 to 35 cm long, elongating in fruit, bracts lanceolate, divergent, 15 to 45 mm long
Flower size :
Flower display :
Flower bud :
Fruit : cylindrical-ellipsoid, 18-22mm long x 10mm wide, purplish when ripe
Seed : tan, 1.1-1.4mm long x 0.8-1.0mm wide
Habit : scandent to erect shrub
Height : 1-3 m
Light/Climate :
Optimal light conditions :
Remarks :
Named : abrupt, suddenly, broken off’
Lookalikes :
Year (of first description) : 1925
Botanist : Johnston I.M.
Authors : I.M. Johnston, 1925
Original publication : Contr. Gray Herb. 75: 37 1925
Habitat : scattered in cloud forest thickets on the eastern slopes of the Andes from Libertad to Junín Departments
Elevation : 1500-2700
Native country : Peru
Synonyms : F. aspiazui, J. F. Macbride 1941
Gametic chromosome number n = 11
Leaves : leaves opposite or ternate, firmly membranous, especially along the veins, petioles strigose, 4 to 10 mm long, stipules conspicuous, dark, (narrowly) triangular, sharply acute-tipped, 3 to 6 mm long, 2 to 3 mm wide, often connate, persistent
Foliage color upper side : subnitid dark green and sparsely strigose to subglabrous
Foliage color lower side : pale and strigose to densely villous or hispid
Leaf dimensions : 7-14(-19)cm long x 3-6(-10)cm wide
Leaf shape : narrowly to broadly elliptic or (ob)ovate
Leaf margin : subentire to obscurely denticulate
Leaf tip : acute to acuminate
Leaf base : acute
Pubescence :
Veins : secondary veins 15 to 22 on either side of the midvein, strongly impressed above, anastomosing into a distinct submarginal vein
Stems :
Branches : semi-succulent young branches and light-tan older stems with finely fissured bark