Sepal shape : narrowly lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, connate at the base for 3 to 5 (to 6) mm
Sepal tips : acuminate, spreading at anthesis
Sepal dimensions : 19-26mm long x 5-8mm wide at the base
Corolla opening color : deep violet
Corolla mature color :
Corolla shape : broadly obovate, apex rounded
Corolla silhouette :
Petal margins :
Corolla dimensions : 10-15mm long x 6.5-9mm wide
Nectary : 2.5-3.5mm high, about 1mm thick and slightly ridged
Stamens :
Filaments : reddish purple, 24-30mm x 17mm long
Anthers : elliptic, 2.5-3mm long x 1.2-1.6mm wide,
Pistil :
Style : light red, glabrous,
Stigma : reddish, clavate-subglobose, 1.5-3mm long x 1-1.5mm wide, exserted 5-14mm beyond the anthers
Flower : single
Flowers : solitary in upper leaf axils
Flower size :
Flower display :
Flower bud :
Fruit : young berries oblong
Seed :
Habit : a few to many-branched subshrub, 10 to 60 cm tall, or occasionally a scandent shrub to two meters high in dense shrubbery
Height : 0,1-2 m
Light/Climate :
Optimal light conditions :
Remarks : flowering is mainly during the summer months from primarily from November to March
Named : after Mrs. P.H. Bracelin
Lookalikes :
Year (of first description) : 1943
Botanist : Munz
Authors : Munz 1943. Berry 1989
Original publication : Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV, 25: 7 1943
Habitat : endemic to the highest peaks of the Serra do Caparaó (Pico da Bandeira, Pico do Cristal, Picodo Cruzeiro, and Pico do Calçado) along the border of the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. It grows in the open campos above the tree line, most common between 2,700 and 2,800 meters
Elevation : 2280-2850
Native country : Brazil
Synonyms :
Gametic chromosome number n = 22
Leaves : three to five-verticillate, membranous, petioles green to reddish, pilose, 1 to 3 mm long, stipules lanceolate, with a thick base, 1.5 to 2 mm long, adjacent ones often fused basally, subpersistent
Foliage color upper side : green and slightly strigose with conspicuously impressed veins
Foliage color lower side : paler and usually purple-flushed and densely pilose on the sulcate veins and margins
Leaf dimensions : 20-50mm long x 7-1 7mm wide
Leaf shape : narrowly elliptic-lanceolate
Leaf margin : subentire to gland-denticulate
Leaf tip : narrowly acute
Leaf base : rounded
Pubescence :
Veins : secondary veins four to seven per side
Stems :
Branches : branchlets terete, generally reddish purple, densely pilose with erect, whitish hairs about 1 mm long. Older branches are with freely exfoliating bark