Ovary : ovoid-ellipsoid, glabrous-puberulent or strigose, 5-6mm long x 2.5-3mm wide
Tube color : pink cerise to (light) purple lavender, young buds sometimes whitish green
Tube shape : narrowly funnelform, occasionally dilated in the middle and constricted again near the rim, glabrous to strigose or puberulent outside, pilose inside for most or the entire length
Tube dimensions : 32-45 (to 54)mm long x 2-4mm wide and slightly bulbous at the base, usually narrowed-1.5-3mm in lower ~, then widened-4-11mm wide at the rim
Sepal color upper : pink cerise to (light) purple lavender, young buds sometimes whitish green
Sepal color lower :
Sepal shape : lanceolate
Sepal tips : (sub-)acuminate at the apex, with a short point 1 to 2 mm long in bud, spreading at anthesis
Sepal dimensions : (12 to)14-17 (to 22)mm long x 5-6mm wide
Corolla opening color : usually considerably darker than the sepals, (dark) red-purple
Corolla mature color :
Corolla shape : elliptic-ovate, obtuse to cuneate or sometimes mucronate at the apex, suberect at anthesis
Corolla silhouette :
Petal margins :
Corolla dimensions : 9-11 (to 14)mm long x 5-6 (to 9)mm wide
Nectary : unlobed, about 2mm high
Stamens :
Filaments : pink, 8-10mm x 5-7mm long
Anthers : oblong, 3-4mm long x 2-3mm wide, yellow cream
Pistil :
Style : densely pilose from base-near the rim, red pink
Stigma : broadly capitate, tetragonous, slightly four-cleft apically, 2-3mm long x 3-4mm wide, pink, exserted 7-16mm beyond the anthers
Flower :
Flowers : few in upper leaf axils
Flower size :
Flower display :
Flower bud :
Fruit : four-sulcate before maturity, glabrous to strigose or puberulent, subglobose at maturity, 11-13mm long x 7-9mm wide, lustrous red purple
Seed : reddish brown to bright red, 2-2.5 mm long x 1.1-1.8mm wide
Habit : usually few-branched shrubs
Height : 0.3-2 m
Light/Climate :
Optimal light conditions :
Remarks :
Named : from Cauca
Lookalikes :
Year (of first description) : 1982
Botanist : Berry P.E.
Authors : Berry 1982
Original publication : Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69: 118 1982
Habitat : in open thickets in high elevation elfin cloud forest, the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Central in Cauca, Huila, Nariño, and Putumayo Provinces, and in the Cordillera Occidental in the Farallones de Cali, Valle
Elevation : 2700-3600
Native country : Colombia
Synonyms :
Gametic chromosome number n = 11
Leaves : mostly ternate, occasionally opposite or quaternate, firmly membranous, petioles glabrous to strigose, usually red purple, 2 to 13 (to 14) mm long, stipules narrowly lanceolate to linear, 3 to 4 mm long, 0.5 to 1 mm wide, subpersistent
Foliage color upper side : dark velvety green and subglabrous to sparsely strigose
Foliage color lower side : pale whitish green to deep flushed purple and strigose
Leaf dimensions : (2.5-) 3.5-7(-10)cm long x (1-) 1.5-3.2(-4)cm wide
Leaf shape : (narrowly) elliptic to lance-ovate
Leaf margin : serrulate with conspicuous glandular teeth, rarely subentire
Leaf tip : mostly acuminate
Leaf base : acute to rounded
Pubescence :
Veins : secondary veins (3 to) 5 to 6 (to 7) on either side of the midvein, subparallel and ascending towards the tip at about 45° to the midvein
Stems :
Branches : branchlets terete, 2 to 5 mm thick, subglabrous to strigose or puberulent, white green to red purple, older stems with subnitid, purple brown bark