F. hirtella

  • Tube color : subnitid lavender to reddish pink
  • Sepal color : subnitid lavender to reddish pink
  • Corolla color : spmewhat darker, crimson
  • Flower :
  • Habitus :
  • Parentage : X



  • Pedicel : slender, pubescent, 4-12mm long
  • Ovary : cylindric, 5-7mm long x about 2mm wide
  • Tube color : subnitid lavender to reddish pink
  • Tube shape : subcylindric, strigillose to pilose outside, densely villous inside in basal
  • Tube dimensions : 34-40mm long x 3-4mm wide and bulbous at the base, narrowed-2-3mm wide in the basal ~, then gradually widened above until 5-9 nun wide at the rim
  • Sepal color upper : subnitid lavender to reddish pink
  • Sepal color lower :
  • Sepal shape : lanceolate, acuminate, long-tapered to apiculate in bud, spreading to divergent at anthesis
  • Sepal tips :
  • Sepal dimensions : 12-16mm long x 3-4mm wide
  • Corolla opening color : spmewhat darker, crimson
  • Corolla mature color :
  • Corolla shape : narrowly elliptic-oblong, sharply acute at the apex, spreading at anthesis
  • Corolla silhouette :
  • Petal margins :
  • Corolla dimensions : 12-16mm long x 3-4mm wide
  • Nectary : unlobed, light green, about 1.5mm high and about 1mm thick
  • Stamens :
  • Filaments : pink, 8-14mm x 5-10mm long
  • Anthers : oblong, 2.5-3mm long x 1.5-2mm wide, dull white
  • Pistil :
  • Style : slender, glabrous, pink
  • Stigma : globose-subobconic, four-parted apically, 2-2.5mm long x about 2mm wide, pale pink-dull red, exserted 3-9mm beyond the anthers


  • Flower :
  • Flowers : inflorescence an arching to pendant panicle at the tips of branches, flowers numerous, subtended by reduced, sometimes reflexed leaves, rachis hirtellous, 4 to 20 cm long
  • Flower size :
  • Flower display :
  • Flower bud :
  • Fruit : cylindric-ellipsoid, 14-18mm long x 8-9mm wide
  • Seed : 1.4-1.7mm long x 0.7mm wide
  • Habit : climbing-scandent to suberect shrubs
  • Hardiness:
  • Height : 2-5 m
  • Light/Climate :
  • Optimal light conditions :
  • Remarks :
  • Named :
  • Lookalikes :
  • Year (of first description) : 1823
  • Botanist : Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth
  • Authors : Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth 1823
  • Original publication : Nov. Gen. Sp. 6: 107 1823
  • Habitat : in the Cordillera Oriental in Cundinamarca, mostly on the outer slopes of the Sabana de Bogotá, in the Cordillera Central from Caldas to Valle, and growing in moist cloud forest clearings or thickets
  • Elevation : 2500-3300
  • Native country : Colombia
  • Synonyms :
  • Gametic chromosome number n = 11


  • Leaves : mostly quaternate, occasionally in whorls of 3 or 5, membranous, petioles strigose, reddish, 3 to 8 (to 15) mm long, stipules lance-linear, hirtellous, 1.5 to 2 mm long, about 0.5 mm wide, deciduous.
  • Foliage color upper side : subnitid dark green and loosely strigose
  • Foliage color lower side : pale green and densely strigose
  • Leaf dimensions : 6-13cm long x 1.8-5cm wide
  • Leaf shape : elliptic to narrowly elliptic or obovate
  • Leaf margin : entire to subdenticulate
  • Leaf tip : acute
  • Leaf base : acute to truncate
  • Pubescence :
  • Veins : secondary veins 10 to 15 on either side of the midvein, prominent below
  • Stems :
  • Branches : ranchlets subterete, 2 to 4 mm thick, green to reddish and densely hirtellous, older branches 10 to 25 mm thick, with freely exfoliating bark

Additional information

