- Pedicel : pendant, (10 to) 15-40 (to 55)mm long
- Ovary : ovoid, 5-8mm long x 2-2.5mm wide
- Tube color : dull to subnitid rose pink
- Tube shape : narrowly funnelform until the slightly constricted apex, strigillose to puberulent outside, pilose inside for most of length
- Tube dimensions : (30 to) 35-50 (to 62)mm long x 2.5-4 (to 6)mm wide and somewhat bulbous at the base, narrowed-1.5-3 (to 5)mm wide in the lower ~ of the tube, then gradually-rather abruptly widened until (5 to) 6-11 (to 12)mm wide at the rim
- Sepal color upper : pale dull to subnitid rose pink, sometimes with greenish tips
- Sepal color lower :
- Sepal shape : ovate-lanceolate, conspicuously flared outwards from the tube at the base and 1 to 3 mm wider in bud than the rim of the tube
- Sepal tips : acute to acuminate, with coherent or spreading tips in bud and the lobes sometimes splitting open in the middle before anthesis, spreading-divergent at anthesis, at times the basal ~·divergent and the upper ~·erect
- Sepal dimensions : 11-23mm long x (4 to) 6-8 (to 9)mm wide
- Corolla opening color : bright red pink
- Corolla mature color :
- Corolla shape : narrowly lanceolate to lance-elliptic, (narrowly) acute to rarely obtuse at the apex, generally unguiculate at the base, margin smooth to occasionally serrulate, mostly with finely pubescent hairs over the dorsal surface or longer villous hairs along the midvein, rarely (sub to) glabrous, suberect at anthesis
- Corolla silhouette :
- Petal margins :
- Corolla dimensions : (8 to) 12-16 (to 20)mm long x (4 to) 5-7 (to 8)mm wide
- Nectary : green, unlobed or 4-lobed, 2-4mm high
- Stamens :
- Filaments : pink, 8-15mm x 5-12mm long
- Anthers : oblong, 2.5-3mm long x 1.5-2mm wide, dull white
- Pistil :
- Style : densely pilose in basal ~, pink
- Stigma : globose, 4-lobed at apex, 2-3mm long x 2-4mm wide, cream-pink, exserted 5-15mm beyond the anthers
- Flower : single
- Flowers : few to many, axillary
- Flower size :
- Flower display :
- Flower bud :
- Fruit : globose to ellipsoid, dark red at maturity, 8-18mm long x 7-13mm wide
- Seed : tan, 2-3mm long x 1-1.5mm wide
- Habit : low shrubs or climbing-scandent in trees to five meters above ground
- Hardiness:
- Height : 0.5-2 m
- Light/Climate :
- Optimal light conditions :
- Remarks :
- Named :
- Lookalikes :
- Year (of first description) : 1823
- Botanist : Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth
- Authors : Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth 1823
- Original publication : Nov. Gen. Sp. 6: 104 1823
- Habitat : in thickets of high elevation cloud forest or in páramo shrub islands in the Cordillera Oriental from Huila to Norte de Santander and just into Venezuela in southern Tachira, in the Cordillera Central from northern Valle to Antioquia, and in the Cordillera Occidental in Antioquia
- Elevation : 2400-3900
- Native country : Colombia, Venezuela
- Synonyms : F. quindunensis, Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth 1823, F. curviflora, Bentham 1845, F. petiolaris var. bolivarensis, Munz 1943, F. petiolaris var. typica, Munz 1943, F. smithii, Munz 1943
- Gametic chromosome number n = 11
- Leaves : mostly ternate, up to six per whorl, firmly membranous to subcoriaceous, petioles (2 to) 5 to 20 mm long, stipules lance-linear, 2 to 3 mm long, about 0.5 mm wide, subpersistent
- Foliage color upper side : medium to dark matte green and glabrous to puberulent
- Foliage color lower side : pale green and subglabrous to puberulent or pilose
- Leaf dimensions : (1.5-) 3-9(-11)cm long x (0.5-) 1-3(-4.5)cm wide
- Leaf shape : narrowly lanceolate to elliptic or obovate
- Leaf margin : denticulate to serrulate or rarely subentire
- Leaf tip : mostly acute
- Leaf base : acute to narrowly cuneate
- Pubescence :
- Veins : secondary veins (4 to) 6 to 10 (to 11) on either side of the midvein
- Stems :
- Branches : young growth puberulent to pilulose, branchlets terete, 1.5 to 3 mm thick, puberulent to ferrugineous-pilose, green to light red purple, older branches 5 to 12 mm thick, with reddish tan, exfoliating bark