Pedicel : divergent-drooping, pilose, 10-25mm long
Ovary : oblong, 5-6mm long x 2-3mm wide, strigose-hispidulous, green
Tube color : whitish pink to red
Tube shape : narrowly funnel-form, strigose to hispidulous outside, densely pilose inside in lower tube
Tube dimensions : 15-27mm long x 2-3mm wide at the base, slightly narrowed-1.5-2.5mm wide above the nectary and gradually widened above until 5-7mm wide at the rim
Sepal color upper : whitish pink to red
Sepal color lower :
Sepal shape : lanceolate, tips mostly free in bud
Sepal tips : acuminate, spreading at anthesis
Sepal dimensions : 9-12mm long x 3-4mm wide
Corolla opening color : pink to scarlet
Corolla mature color :
Corolla shape : elliptic-oblong, broadly acute to rounded at the apex, spreading at anthesis
Corolla silhouette :
Petal margins :
Corolla dimensions : 7-10mm long x 3-4.5mm wide
Nectary : usually unlobed, green, about 1.5mm high
Stamens :
Filaments : red-pink, 5-7mm x 3-5mm long
Anthers : elliptic-oblong, 1.5-2mm long x about 1mm wide, bright white
Pistil :
Style : densely villous for most its length, pink
Stigma : subglobose, 4-cleft at the apex, about 2mm long x about 2mm wide, exserted 1-4mm beyond the anthers, white
Flower : single
Flowers : few and solitary in upper leaf axils
Flower size :
Flower display :
Flower bud :
Fruit : oblong before maturity, subglobose when ripe, usually deep nitid purple
Seed : tan to bright purple, 1-1.3mm long x 0.8-1mm wide
Habit : decumbent to erect shrubs
Height : 0.5-2.5 m
Light/Climate :
Optimal light conditions :
Remarks : flowers up to 4cm in length
Named :
Lookalikes :
Year (of first description) : 1845
Botanist : Bentham George
Authors : Bentham 1845
Original publication : Pl. Hartw. 177 1845
Habitat : locally frequent in clearings, thickets, and moist banks of cloud forest, in Ecuador in Napo, Pichincha, and Tungurahua Provinces, on both the east and west slopes of the Andes, and in Colombia, on the eastern slopes of the Nudo de Pasto in Putumayo, in the Cordillera Central as far north as Valle, and in the Cordillera Oriental to the Cauca-Huila border
Elevation : 1400-2750
Native country : southern Colombia, Ecuador
Synonyms :
Gametic chromosome number n =
Leaves : opposite, very rarely temate, membranous, with finely reticulate, rugulose venation, petioles densely pilose, 5 to 25 mm long, stipules lance-linear, 2 to 3.5 mm long, thick at the base, terminating in a long, dark, filiform tip, subpersistent
Foliage color upper side : dark-green, dull green and strigose
Foliage color lower side : pale green to flushed purple and strigose, especially along the veins
Leaf dimensions : 2.5-12(-14)cm long x 1.5-5(-6)cm wide
Leaf shape : elliptic to slightly ovate
Leaf margin : subentire
Leaf tip : acute to acuminate
Leaf base : acute to rounded
Pubescence :
Veins : secondary veins 8 to 14 on either side of the midvein, subelevated below
Stems :
Branches : branchlets subterete, 2 to 5 mm thick, pilose-hispidulous with suberect, whitish hairs, older branches with tan, exfoliating bark