- Pedicel : puberulent, 5-10mm long
- Ovary : oblong-ellipsoid, puberulent or velutinous, 5-6mm long x 2-2.5mm wide
- Tube color : light reddish pink
- Tube shape : narrowly funnelform, finely pilose outside, pilose inside
- Tube dimensions : 40-50mm long x bulbous and 3-4mm wide at the base, narrowed-1.5-2mm wide above the ovary, then gradually widened above until 5-7mm wide at the rim
- Sepal color upper : light reddish pink
- Sepal color lower :
- Sepal shape : lanceolate, puberulent on both sides
- Sepal tips : acuminate
- Sepal dimensions : 16-20mm long x about 4mm wide
- Corolla opening color : red
- Corolla mature color :
- Corolla shape : linear-lanceolate to elliptic, acute to narrowly acuminate at the apex
- Corolla silhouette :
- Petal margins :
- Corolla dimensions : 9-13mm long x 2-3 (to 5)mm wide
- Nectary : apparently unlobed, about 1.5mm high
- Stamens :
- Filaments : 10-12mm x 7-8mm long
- Anthers : oblong, 3-4mm long x about 2mm wide
- Pistil :
- Style : pilose from base up-the rim of the tube
- Stigma : globose, four-parted at the apex, 2.5-3.5mm long x about 2mm wide
- Flower : single
- Flowers : in simple to multiple, pendant, involucrate racemes, with flowers three to four per whorl and internodes 1.5 to 6 cm long, rachis 8 to 30 cm long, bracts thinly membranous, sessile, concave, ovate-lanceolate, broadly rounded and clasping the stem at the base, acuminate at the apex, 1 to 5 cm long, 0.5 to 1.5 cm wide
- Flower size :
- Flower display :
- Flower bud :
- Fruit : ellipsoid, puberulent, 11-13mm long x 8mm wide
- Seed : tan, 1.2mm long x 0.7mm wide
- Habit : scandent shrubs, sparsely verticillately branched, with ultimate branches pendulous
- Hardiness:
- Height : 2-5 m
- Light/Climate :
- Optimal light conditions :
- Remarks :
- Named :
- Lookalikes :
- Year (of first description) : 1802
- Botanist : Ruiz & Pavon
- Authors : Ruiz & Pavon 1802
- Original publication : Fl. Peruv. 3: 89 1802
- Habitat : rare in cloud forests in Huánuco, Junín, and Pasco Departments on eastern slopes of the Andes
- Elevation : 2200-2500
- Native country : central Peru
- Synonyms :
- Gametic chromosome number n =
- Leaves : ternate or quaternate, membranous, petioles glabrous to puberulent, 2 to 6 mm long, stipules triangular, 1 to 2 mm long, about 0.9 mm wide, subpersistent
- Foliage color upper side : glabrous
- Foliage color lower side : glabrous to scattered pilose below or along the margin
- Leaf dimensions : 8-15cm long x 1-3.5cm wide
- Leaf shape : linear-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate
- Leaf margin : subentire
- Leaf tip : acuminate
- Leaf base : acute to narrowly obtuse or truncate
- Pubescence :
- Veins : secondary veins 10 to 18 on either side of the midvein
- Stems :
- Branches : branchlets subterete, puberulent, older stems with light red, exfoliating bark