- Pedicel : spreading-drooping, slender, subglabrous-strigose, 35-75mm long
- Ovary : narrowly cylindrical
- Tube color : rose to bright red
- Tube shape : narrowly to broadly cylindric, pubescent or with glandular hairs outside, subglabrous or loosely strigose inside in lower part
- Tube dimensions : 20-46(-64)mm long x 4-9mm wide and usually ventricose and laterally compressed at the base around the nectary, ± dilated in upper half, 5-15mm wide at the rim
- Sepal color upper : green with reddish base
- Sepal color lower :
- Sepal shape : lanceolate
- Sepal tips : spreading at anthesis
- Sepal dimensions : 8-20mm long x 5-8mm wide
- Corolla opening color : yellow green
- Corolla mature color :
- Corolla shape : ovate, rounded to cordate at the base, subacuminate at the apex, erect
- Corolla silhouette :
- Petal margins :
- Corolla dimensions : 6-12mm long x 4-8mm wide
- Nectary : a lustrous yellow band ca. 0.4mm thick lining the basal 4-8mm of the tube
- Stamens : stamens exserted beyond petals
- Filaments : pale yellow green, the antisepalous ones 10-20mm long, the antipetalous ones 6-14mm long x inserted on the tube ca. 1mm below the insertion of the petals
- Anthers : oblong, yellow, 2-3mm long x 1-2mm wide
- Pistil :
- Style : glabrous, pale green, 40-76 mm long
- Stigma : green, subconic, 2-3mm long x 1-2mm wide, four-parted at the apex
- Flower :
- Flowers : flowers axillary and solitary in upper leafy nodes of the year’s branches
- Flower size :
- Flower display :
- Flower bud :
- Fruit : elongate, 20-40mm long x 5-8mm wide, verrucose, green to dark purple when ripe
- Seed : 1.5-2mm long x 0.5mm wide
- Habit : few- to many-branched, soft-wooded shrub, terrestrial or occasionally epiphytic on trees
- Hardiness:
- Height :
- Light/Climate :
- Optimal light conditions :
- Remarks : F. splendens has the widest range of the three species in this section and exhibits a pronounced variation in the length of its floral tubes throughout its range. It is also unique in its green petals and the lateral compression of the tube. It flowers throughout the year.
- Named :
- Lookalikes :
- Year (of first description) : 1832
- Botanist : Zuccarini
- Authors : Zuccarini 1832. Breedlove, Berry & Raven 1982
- Original publication : Flora 15(2 Beibl.): 102 1832
- Habitat : scattered in a few moist forests in Guerrero and Oaxaca but more common in cloud forest and moist oak-pine forest from Chiapas to Costa Rica
- Elevation : 2400-3400
- Native country : Costa Rica, Mexico
- Synonyms : F. cordifolia, Bentham 1841, F. intermedia, Hemsley 1878
- Gametic chromosome number n = 11
- Leaves : opposite or occasionally ternate, membranous, petioles reddish, pubescent, 12 to 80 mm long, stipules lance-filiform, 1 to 2 mm long, ca. 0.3 mm wide, deciduous
- Foliage color upper side : pale to dark green and subglabrous to pilose or villous
- Foliage color lower side : lighter green below or red tinged and similarly pubescent, especially along nerves
- Leaf dimensions : 35-130mm long x 20-75mm wide
- Leaf shape : ovate to cordate
- Leaf margin : dentate to serrate
- Leaf tip : acute to acuminate
- Leaf base : rounded to cordate
- Pubescence :
- Veins : secondary veins 5 to 9 on either side of the midvein
- Stems :
- Branches : branchlets 5 to 30 cm long, 1 to 3 mm thick, triangular to quadrangular, subglabrous to densely short-pilose or villous, older branches with smooth reddish bark, exfoliating freely with age, 0.5 to 3 m long and 8 to 40 mm thick