Ovary : narrowly cylindricfusiform, often narrowed towards the apex, 6-10mm long x 2-3mm wide
Tube color : red to rose red
Tube shape : narrowly funnelform, canescent strigillose outside, pilose inside in lower part
Tube dimensions : 14-22mm long x 2-3mm wide and slightly bulbous at the base, gradually widened above until 3.5-7mm wide at the rim
Sepal color upper : red to rose red
Sepal color lower :
Sepal shape : lanceolate
Sepal tips : acute, spreading at anthesis
Sepal dimensions : 10-13mm long x 3-5mm wide
Corolla opening color : darker red, crimson
Corolla mature color :
Corolla shape : narrowly elliptic-oblong, acute
Corolla silhouette :
Petal margins :
Corolla dimensions : 5-10mm long x 2-4mm wide
Nectary : green, shallowly 4-lobed, about 1.5mm high
Stamens :
Filaments : red, 5-7mm x 3-5mm long
Anthers : oblong, 1.5-2mm long x about 1mm thick, dull white
Pistil :
Style : glabrous-sparsely pilose, light red
Stigma : capitate, subtetragonous, 2-3mm long x 2-4mm wide, 4-lobed in upper stigma, pink, slightly exserted beyond the anthers
Flower : single
Flowers : generally numerous in long, straggly, terminal or subterminal racemes, rachis arching-pendant or sometimes more-or-less ‘twisted, 5 to 20 cm long, bracts ovate-cordate, subsessile, tightly grouped
Flower size :
Flower display :
Flower bud :
Fruit : subcylindric-fusiform, gradually narrowed towards the apex, more-or-less verrucose before maturity, 13-17 mm long x 57 mm wide, red purple to subtranslucent
Seed : 1.5mm long x 0.8mm wide
Habit : erect to scandent shrubs
Height : 1-2.5m
Light/Climate :
Optimal light conditions :
Remarks : flower up to 3,5cm long
Named : sylvatica is latin and means ‘from the woods’
Lookalikes :
Year (of first description) : 1845
Botanist : Bentham George
Authors : Bentham 1845
Original publication : Pl. Hartw. 176 1845
Habitat : western slopes of the Andes from Cotopaxi to Imbabura Provinces, in mid-elevation cloud forest, growing in moist soil in thickets, along streams, or on roadside banks
Elevation : 2600-3100
Native country : Ecuador
Synonyms :
Gametic chromosome number n =
Leaves : mostly ternate, opposite, or rarely quaternate, membranous, finely reticulate-veined and sometimes rugulose, petioles strigillose, 6 to 34 mm long, stipules dark purple, narrowly triangular, 1 to 2 mm long, about 0.7 mm wide, thick at the base, subulate at the apex, subpersistent
Foliage color upper side : medium-dark green and strigillose
Foliage color lower side : pale green to tinged red and strigillose
Leaf dimensions : 4-15cm long x 2-8cm wide
Leaf shape : elliptic to (ob- to) ovate
Leaf margin : remotely gland-denticulate
Leaf tip : acute
Leaf base : acute to attenuate
Pubescence :
Veins : secondary veins 11 to 18 on either side of the midvein
Stems :
Branches : young growth finely canescent, older stems with tan, fissured bark