Ovary : cylindrical, more or less sulcate, 8-10mm long x 2.5-3.5mm wide, green-purplish, usually with glandular hairs
Tube color : cerise, rose pink
Tube shape : funnelform, glandular-pubescent outside, pilose inside in lower third
Tube dimensions : 36-46mm long x 2-5mm wide at the base, slightly narrowed in lower third, then gradually widened until 7-9 (to 13)mm wide at the rim
Sepal color upper : cerise, rose pink
Sepal color lower :
Sepal shape : lanceolate, base connate for 2 to 3 mm
Sepal tips : acute, blunt-tipped in bud, strongly recurved at anthesis
Sepal dimensions : 19-33mm long x 4-6 (to 10)mm wide
Corolla opening color :
Corolla mature color :
Corolla shape :
Corolla silhouette :
Petal margins :
Corolla dimensions :
Nectary : glossy green, 3-4mm high
Stamens :
Filaments : pink-cerise or dark purple, the antesepalous ones 20-35mm long, the antepetalous ones 15-28mm long,
Anthers : oblong, yellow, 4-5mm long x 2.5-3mm wide,
Pistil :
Style : pink, retrorse villous in the lower half-third, exserted 15-20 mm beyond the anthers
Stigma : green, clavate, about 3mm long x 2-2.5mm wide
Flower :
Flowers : generally numerous at branch tips or subracemose, leaves often absent, or small bracts 15 to 30 mm long and 6 to 20 mm wide present when flowering,
Flower size :
Flower display :
Flower bud :
Fruit : cylindrical, usually more or less narrowed at the apex, 18-21mm long x 6-10mm wide, puberulent, dull purple-green to lustrous bright red when ripe
Seed : about 50 per berry, light tan, 1.8-2mm long x 1.3-1.6mm wide
Habit : terrestrial shrubs, or growing in rocks, climbing up trees or epiphytic in trees to ten meters above ground, small, lateral tubers occasionally present in the soil on large plants
Height : 0.5-2 m
Light/Climate :
Optimal light conditions :
Remarks : flowers appear mainly in the dry season, from January to April, when the plant is leafless
Named :
Lookalikes :
Year (of first description) : 1972
Botanist : Munz
Authors : Munz 1972
Original publication : Aliso 7: 410 1972
Habitat : in cloud forest in Lara, Trujillo, Merida, and Tachira States
Elevation : 1600-2650
Native country : Venezuela
Synonyms :
Gametic chromosome number n = 11
Leaves : opposite or ternate, soft membranous, petioles puberulent, green or reddish, 6 to 12 (to 30) mm long, stipules lance-triangular, 12 mm long, 1 to 1.5 mm wide
Foliage color upper side : subglabrous to pruinous or puberulent
Foliage color lower side : subglabrous to puberulent and pale green
Leaf dimensions : (30-) 55-100mm long x (7-) 16-50mm wide
Leaf shape : elliptic to narrowly ovate
Leaf margin : subentire to serrulate
Leaf tip : (sub to) acuminate
Leaf base : rounded to acute
Pubescence :
Veins : secondary veins 7 to 9 on either side of the midvein
Stems :
Branches : branchlets puberulent, terete, 2 to 5 mm thick, red or copper-colored, older branches ascending on shrubs, flexuous and erect to drooping and to 10 meters long on hanging bushes, the rooted portions often to 25 mm thick, with freely peeling, flaky bark