Tube dimensions : 25-40mm long x 2-3.5mm wide and bulbous at the base, sometimes with a ring-like inflation of the tube at the base surrounding the nectary, constricted rather strongly-1-2.5mm wide in the lower (6 to) 10-18mm of the tube, then abruptly dilated-8-11mm wide before narrowing slightly towards the rim
Sepal color upper : orange to coral red
Sepal color lower :
Sepal shape : lanceolate
Sepal tips : spreading at anthesis
Sepal dimensions : 10-13mm long x 3.5-4.5mm wide
Corolla opening color : orange to red
Corolla mature color :
Corolla shape : elliptic-ovate, rounded to broadly acute at the apex, suberect to spreading at anthesis
Corolla silhouette :
Petal margins :
Corolla dimensions : 6-9mm long x 4-6mm wide
Nectary : shallowly 8-lobed, about 1mm high
Stamens :
Filaments : orange red, 5-7mm x 3-4mm long
Anthers : oblong, about 2.5mm long x about 1.5mm wide, cream
Pistil :
Style : orange red, glabrous
Stigma : capitate, slightly 4-lobed at the apex, about 1.5mm long and wide, pale red
Flower : single
Flowers : numerous in suberect to mostly nodding, terminal racemes, occasionally subracemose, rachis 4 to 12 (to 15) cm long, leaves subtending the flowers mostly reduced, narrowly lanceolate, and deciduous, but similar to normal leaves if flowers subracemose
Flower size :
Flower display :
Flower bud :
Fruit : subglobose to ellipsoid, strigose and more-or-less 4-angled before maturity, 15-18mm long x 11-13 mm thick, glossy red purple when ripe
Seed : tan, 1.8-2.1mm long x 1mm wide
Habit : subshrub to low shrub tall with erect to drooping branches
Height : 0.3-2 m
Light/Climate :
Optimal light conditions :
Remarks : natural hybridization with F. pringsheimii is known to occur. [According to Dr. Paul E. Berry, professor, director and curator at the University of Michigan’s Herbarium, and the world’s leading scientific authority currently working on the genus, he will likely describe a new subspecies from the southern Dominican Republic as F. triphylla subsp. angustifolia in a future publication]
Named :
Lookalikes :
Year (of first description) : 1753
Botanist : Linnaeus
Authors : Plumier 1703. Linnaeus 1753
Original publication : Sp. Pl. 1191 1753
Habitat : in Haiti, in the southern Massif de la Hotte and Massif de la Selle, in the central Chaîne des Matheux, and (rare) in the northern range in the Montagnes Noires and Chaîne de Plaisance and in the Dominican Republic, in the southern Sierra de Baoruco, in the central Sierra de Neiba, and in the northern Cordillera Central on exposed slopes, moist banks, and edges of pine and mixed pine-broadleaf forest
Elevation : 700-2000
Native country : Domenican Republic, Haiti, Hispaniola
Synonyms : F. racemosa, Lamarck 1788
Gametic chromosome number n = 22
Leaves : opposite or ternate, rarely quaternate, firmly membranous, petioles pubescent, 4 to 15 (to 25) mm long, stipules lance-linear, 1.5 to 3 mm long, mostly deciduous
Foliage color upper side : dull medium to dark green and strigillose
Foliage color lower side : pale green to commonly flushed metallic purple and strigose
Leaf dimensions : 2.5-10(-13)cm long x 1-4(-5.5)cm wide
Leaf shape : narrowly lanceolate to elliptic or oblanceolate
Leaf margin : subentire to finely denticulate
Leaf tip : acute to acuminate
Leaf base : acute to narrowly cuneate
Pubescence :
Veins : secondary veins (6 to) 7 to 13 on either side of the midvein, mostly impressed above, elevated and often reddish below
Stems :
Branches : young growth canescent to short pilose, branchlets pubescent, reddish, older branches with tan, exfoliating bark