Showing all 3 results


Alan Young

  • Tube color : dark pink red
  • Sepal color : dark pink red (47C) tipped dark pink red (47C)
  • Corolla color : purple (64A) and light magenta pink
  • Flower : single
  • Habitus :

Herps Fondue

  • Tube color : light yellow brown (163D)
  • Sepal color : light blue pink (65B) with large green tip
  • Corolla color : blue pink (62A)
  • Flower : single
  • Habitus : upright/trailing

Pascal Salmon

  • Tube color : orange pink (29C) & orange pink (27A)
  • Sepal color : red (43B) & yellow orange (N25D) tipped green (134B)
  • Corolla color : dark purple red (60A) & orange red (41B)
  • Flower : single
  • Habitus :